Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Celebration Bom Boms

This was learnt from a workshop which I attended.

Apologies but recipe will not be posted for this one due to business ethics.
For anyone who is keen with this workshop, please send me a private note.

This is my 1st successful trial after the class...
(Overcooked and burnt the 1st batch last week)

I cooked this to just enough...
So the texture will remain softer and less chewy...
Nevertheless, this milk-based candy is cooked to ur own texture preference...
No right or wrong with soft or hard texture...

Initial was just with the coloured rice...
But on the 2nd thought, it will be too "boring" just to have 1 kind...
So I topped some with green tea and cocoa powder since both are readily available at home all the time...

Made this for a friend's tasting and thought I could spread this little candy ard...

To the friend whom I'm giving this to (u know who u r)...
This is purely for ur trying and no obligations to use this...
Take as a little present way in advanced for ur bday...hehehe

Hope u'll enjoy this...

Feedback from the friend who tried this with her colleagues:
I tasted it with my 5 other colleagues. Most given positive feedback- cute, attractive, like its bitesize portion, sweetness acceptable, very innovative fillings, looks difficult 2 make as there're diff layers...

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